What Can You Do When the System Is Broken?

    I write about money, which is a pretty broad topic. Sometimes, it means writing about the economy. Sometimes, it means writing about basic personal finance rules. Like most people who write for the Internet, I come across a lot of pushback. Sometimes it’s in the form...

    Why I Think There’s Virtue in Personal Finance

    Is money simply a means to an end, a tool? Or does it represent something larger, more important? Because I’m a huge nerd, I’ve been mulling over this question a lot lately. There’s math in money. There’s no arguing against that. Your budget,...

    What’s Your Money Personality?

    Today, let’s talk about you. I want to know about your personality. Specifically, your money personality. Yep, that’s a thing. Brad Klontz is a money psychologist (yep, that’s another thing) who says there are four basic money scripts. He co-authored...

    The Brokepedia Philosophy of Frugal Living

    Kanye West? He’s kind of controversial. Religion can be controversial. And the death penalty, should you bring it up at Thanksgiving dinner, is probably going to get everyone going, too. But frugality? Nope. It’s boring. Straightforward. Not at all controversial. At...