The Power of Gratitude

    It's Thanksgiving, which means we're supposed to be grateful and think about all the reasons we're better off than most people and all of that fluff. That's nice and all, but gratitude should be more than a moral obligation. Over the past few years, I've made a habit...

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    Conquer Overspending With a Lifestyle Deflation Plan

    You work hard, dammit. And you're tired of not being able to spend your money the way you want. You treat yourself with an expensive pair of shoes you've had your eye on. I deserve this, you tell yourself, plopping down your credit card. Later that week, your friends...

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    5 Myths: What People Get Wrong about Poverty

    We can all pretty much agree that poverty is a bad thing.  But beyond that, we disagree on just about everything else, from how poverty works to how we can fix it.  Despite how much our opinions differ, they usually have one thing in common: they’re oversimplified. In...

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    Simple Negotiating Tips for People Who Hate It

    I've never been much of a negotiator. It's intimidating, I hate asking for things, and haggling makes me feel greedy. Then I read about the traits of "underearners" in Barbara Stanny's fantastic book, Secrets of Six-Figure Women. Underearners, she says, are people who...

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    How “Debt Traps” Make Sure You Stay Broke Forever Debt traps are pretty awful. They prey on your desperation, then keep you living in a paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. In this video, I run down three common debt traps you should stay away from or at least think twice about: payday loans, debt...

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    How I Rebuilt My Savings After Losing Every Penny

    It was a Friday night in April. Somewhat serendipitously--but mostly because I was craving cheap drinks and potato skins--my boyfriend and I were planning to go to T.G.I. Friday's for dinner. But first, I had to do my taxes. The year before, I'd started my...

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    Managing your money is like going to the dentist or standing in line at the DMV. Nobody wants to do it, but at some point, it’s inevitable: you need to clean your teeth, renew your license, and manage your money like a grown-up.



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